Obagi Elastiderm Facial Serum

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SKU:OB65052 ,UPC:




Size: 1 oz. / 30 ml

ELASTIderm® Facial Serum with patented Bi-Mineral Contour Complex™ helps support skin elasticity so it can bounce back from the signs of aging, resulting in firmer-looking, more resilient skin.

Key Ingredient:
Bi-Mineral Contour Complex™

Restore facial resilience in as little as 2 weeks* with this latest addition to Obagi's ELASTIderm product line. Obagi's patented Bi-Mineral Contour Complex stimulates production of elastin - a key fiber that provides facial structure. The loss of elastin through aging and other damaging dermatological conditions diminishes skin's elasticity and creates a crepey, sagging appearance. Rebuilding elastin firms and tightens to bring back youthful facial contours.

Of participants1:

  • 100% reported their face looked firmer
  • 97% noticed their skin felt more elastic and resilient
  • 97% saw a diminished appearance of crepey facial skin
  • 97% reported, “my skin has bounce back”

Users found rapid and long-lasting results with continued use:

  • Increased signs of skin elasticity in just 24 hours2
  • Improved signs of skin firmness and bounce-back, and the appearance of crepiness in as little as 2 weeks with continued improvements through 12 weeks1

ELASTIderm Eye Cream is proven to bring back resilient-looking skin3,†:

  • 97% of patients considered the roughness/crepey texture of the skin around their eyes to be barely or not noticeable
  • 88% of patients considered the laxity/looseness of the skin around their eyes to be barely or not noticeable
  • 78% of patients considered the overall appearance of the skin around their eyes to be excellent, very good, or good

Here’s what a majority of users had to say4,‡:

  • Preferred—Considered the Serum better or much better than the product they usually used. Applied twice daily for 8 weeks.
  • Satisfied—Felt the Serum met or exceeded expectations. Applied twice daily for 8 weeks.

†Study results for ELASTIderm Eye Cream; N=32.

‡Study results for ELASTIderm Eye Serum; N=23.


References: 1. 12-week clinical study. Data on file at Obagi Cosmeceuticals LLC. 2. Bioinstrumentation study. Data on file at Obagi Cosmeceuticals LLC. 3. Miller TF, Batra RS, Ramirez J. Evaluation of the effect of a novel bi-mineral complex on photoexposed periorbital skin. Poster presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology, February 2-6, 2007, Washington, D.C., OMP, Inc. Data on file. 4. Consumer panel results. Study included 23 subjects using ELASTIderm Serum.